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Adult Coed League

The Winter 2025 season is currently full.  If you are an individual player wanting to join a team or if you are interested in entering a team into the Spring 2025 season, please use the wait list link below.

In the meantime, we have pick up play every Friday from 630-8:30 pm for only $5.00 per player.  Please check our Instagram or Facebook page (@bluetornadosports) every Friday for Pick Up announcements. 


Here are league details:

Questions?  Call Mike at (408) 834-2480 or email.  

  • $99 / player Competitive Divisions 1 and 2
  • $79 / player Recreational Division 3
  • Players may enter as a team (individual registrations required). Teams can be coed, all male or all female.  A minimum of 8 players per team is required
  • Individual player registrations accepted for players wanting to be placed on a team.  Players will be placed on an existing team or Blue Tornado will form a new team
  • Divisions 1 and 2  is the competitive league to include standings, 10 week season plus playoffs, promotion/relegation and cash prizes  
  • Division 3 is the recreational league to include standings,10 week season plus playoffs and medals (no cash prizes) 
  • 10 week league season plus playoffs to determine first place and last place teams.  First place team is promoted and receives a cash prize.  Second and third place teams also receive a cash prize.  Last place team is relegated.  
    • 1st place - D 1: $700  l  D 2: $600  l  D 3: Medals
    • 2nd place - D 1: $450  l  D 2: $350 
    • 3rd place - D 1: $250  l  D 2: $200 
  • Games (1 per week) are on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday evenings, 6:00, 7:00, 8:00 or 9:00 pm game time starts.  Teams can request what days they prefer to play on (i.e. if you team is playing in a Wednesday outdoor league we will not schedule your indoor game on Wednesdays) and we will try our best to accommodate your request
  • Referees are certified and know the indoor game and rules
  • Practice field for warm ups or family use during games
  • Pool use is available to league players on game days