Here are league details:
Questions? Call Mike at (408) 834-2480 or email.
Here are the Winter 2024-25 season and registration details:
Here are the SPRING season and registration details:
Season starting week of September 2, 2024
New and returning team registration due August 15, 2024. Registrations after August 15 will be taken but teams will only be accepted into the league if availability allows.
New players without a team that would like to be placed on a team please complete this registration: Click Here
Returning teams complete these steps:
1. Team Captain - Complete the Team Registration: Click Here
2. Team Players - Each player must complete the Player Registration: Click Here
New teams complete these steps:
1. Team Captain - Complete the Team Registration: Click Here
2. Blue Tornado will confirm your team’s acceptance into the league
3. Team Players - After team acceptance has been confirmed, each player must complete the Player Registration: Click Here
Dual Rostering - players currently rostered on a team wanting to dual-roster on a second team (Click here for dual-rostering rules): Click Her